
Liquid Probiotics – 7 Top Recommended Drinks

Some of the commonly available probiotic supplements and probiotic foods include sauerkraut and yogurt. Probiotic drinks are the tastier version of these solid probiotics.

These liquids contain the same live and active culture and can form a refreshing addition to your daily probiotic supplement.

Liquid probiotics are available in the form of milky yogurts like kefir, fizzy fermented teas like kombucha, and sparkling flavored waters with a dash of apple cider vinegar. Here are top 7 recommended liquid probiotic drinks for you.

1. Kombucha


Kombucha is an effervescent, tangy fermented drink that is packed with probiotics. You will require a kombucha tea starter culture or SCOBY.

There are a number of DIY kombucha kits available in the store that come complete with all the ingredients required to make your own batch. Probiotics come at a hefty price in the market and you can make it easier on your finances by fermenting your own drinks.

To make kombucha, mix warm water and sugar in a glass jar until the sugar dissolves. Let a tea bag steep in the water. You can use flavored tea or regular.

Add distilled vinegar to this mixture as a culture starter. It should be in 1:2 proportions with water. Add an active kombucha SCOBY and cover with a tight weave towel.

Your kombucha will be ready within 7 to 30 days. The longer you allow it to ferment, the more acidic it will taste. Make sure you retain enough liquid and SCOBY, from the bottom, to prepare a fresh batch of kombucha.

2. Water Kefir


This is one of the easiest probiotic beverages that you can make at home. You can either use water kefir grains or powdered kefir starter culture to culture sugar water, coconut water or juice. Water kefir grains contain yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic relationship.

Give the kefir grains a quick rinse and place them in a fermenting jar. Add white sugar to the grains as nourishment for bacteria and yeast. You can also add handful of dried fruits like figs, plums, and raisins. This will add nutritional value and flavor to your water kefir. Add water and a lemon wedge. Cover tightly and allow fermenting for 48 hours. Strain the kefir grains and your kefir water is ready.

3. Buttermilk


One of the easiest ways to make buttermilk is to use a buttermilk starter. Buttermilk is of two kinds and both are equally rich in probiotics.

Traditional buttermilk is the leftoverliquid after making white butter from clotted cream. However, the more common buttermilk that is used in cooking and found in stores is made by directly fermenting milk with an active culture.

Remember, that you need untreated milk to make buttermilk from home. Do not pick heat treated or UHT processed milk as these are without bacteria.

Combine mildly warm milk and a starter together in a glass jar. Mix well and screw on the top tightly. Leave it in a sunny spot or a warm place of the house. It takes 12 – 24 hours for buttermilk to set which is not enough to get that terrible The Force Awakens, Jurassic World, or Thor III movie out of your head.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir


Ginger lemon is a definite must in the cold weather. You can make it better for your immunity by mixing in apple cider vinegar. This drink tastes great and you will begin to love it with a reasonable amount of honey. For added flavor, you can mix in your favorite herbs and dried flowers like chamomile.

Take 3 cups of warm water, 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. of raw honey and a small piece of grated ginger root in a mason jar. Keep it on the counter for 2 weeks. This mixture can keep for weeks. Strain and transfer to a clean glass bottle with a lid.

Whenever you want your immunity boosting probiotic elixir, mix small amounts of apple cider vinegar, crushed black peppercorns and fresh lemon juice with half of this mixture. Pour warm water over it and drink warm.

5. Beet Kvass


Beet Kvass is an essential blood tonic and excellent source of probiotics. This health tonic is lacto-fermented. Lactobacilli consume beet sugars present in this drink during the fermentation process. They multiply and produce healthy lactic acid.

To make beet kvass, combine whey, salt, and water in a tall mason jar. Allow it to settle. At the same time peel and chop the beets into 1” pieces. Add this to the mixture and fill with water.

Make sure to leave some space on top for fermentation to take place effectively. Allow it to sit at the counter for 2 days. Strain the beets and pour finished kvass into a glass jar.

6. Strawberry Limeade


Strawberry limeade is a healthy alternative to processed fruit juices and packed with goodness of probiotics. This easy beverage is made from honey, strawberries, fresh lime juice and a splash of unflavored kombucha.

Add in the berries and honey to warm water until soft. This should not take more than 10 minutes. Blend berries to make a smooth liquid and add in lime juice.

You may add a pinch of salt if required. Chill this juice mixture. You can add in more honey depending upon the tartness. Mix with kombucha right before serving. You can either use the store bought kombucha or make your own at home.

7. Homemade Ginger Ale


Various cultures around the world, for centuries have made various naturally, fermented sodas. It does not have to be an artificial concoction high in fructose corn syrup. You can easily make ginger ale at home with a ‘ginger bug starter’. This is a truly healing treat for adults and children.

The recipe is easy and includes making ‘wort’ by heating minced ginger root in water with salt and sugar. Remove from heat once the mixture starts to simmer and smell of ginger. Add in additional water and allow it to cool to room temperature before adding fresh lime juice and ginger bug or whey.

You will need to allow the mixture to ferment by transferring it to air-tight mason jars. Leave it for 2 to 3 days. The mixture should hiss or bubble, like soda when you open it.

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